Journalism Under Fire


Peoria Riverfront Museum 

Blog By Nikki Eckland

We began the night off with a viewing of several short films documenting the trials of being a journalist in areas of conflict. One film detailed the importance of “fixers”, who are often unnamed despite their status of being key contributors to international journalism. We then transitioned into discussion with Kristin McHugh and Jenni Monet, both experienced journalists in their own respects. The video linked below contains the whole conversation, for those who’d like to see it. Jenni Monet spoke about her experience with Native American journalism, and Kristin McHugh shared her knowledge about traveling internationally to follow a story. Chris Kaergard moderated, asking thought provoking questions that catered to each journalists’ individual experiences.

Discussion with Jenni Monet and Kristin McHugh:

Al-Jazeera Film “Journalists on the Frontline”:

Al-Jazeera Film “Fixers: The Unsung Heroes of Journalism”: